I value your feedback and opinions on how to make Web sites a better learning experience.  Constructive suggestions may be used to improve the course.
 - Yvonne V. Richardson, Instructor and Course Designer

I am providing a way for you to share your thoughts and experiences in this course.  Please reflect on your experience as a member of this class.  If you had to sum up your thoughts on the experience or the knowledge you have gained, what would it look like on a bumper sticker?
Respond by Day 8 as listed on the Course Schedule. Extra points will be awarded if you create or find a graphic representation of your bumper sticker and e-mail it to the instructor at

As always, please remember that this site respects the Motion Picture Association of America Ratings System; any feedback that is beyond a "G" rating may be returned, and may possibly have a negative impact on your grade.

For those of you who do not want to create a bumper sticker or an exit slip, you may answer the following questions or use the survey form at the bottom of the page.

Course Competency 2.4, Probability: Evaluation

If you have questions or comments, please contact me at, leave comments on the Guest Blog, or use the form on the Contact Us page.