Teaching Presentation - The Unit Circle

The Unit Circle
File Size: 1547 kb
File Type: ppt
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The audience for this presentation is ninth-grade geometry students and their teachers.  It assumes that you have some knowledge of triangles and basic computational skills. This Powerpoint presentation contains audio; the slide show displays automatically, using the "forward/backward" arrows in the bottom left corner., or it can be viewed at your own pace. You should not have to download media players.  Headphones are a good idea. If there is a lecture point that needs to be repeated, click on the "sound horn" at the right of the screen.

When you click on "Download File", on the screen, the presentation will be downloaded to your computer. When you click on the downloaded file, it should automatically open.

It will ask whether you want to use slide deck macros that provide for audio and slide animation. You may have to enable the controls before it will play, which may be considered as untrusted macros. One message that is displayed is "Enable external content for this session". Another message is "Enable content for this session" Select those two messages and then click ok. If you get another message that presents as, "Some controls on this presentation can't be activated. They might not be registered on this computer." Just click ok again and the presentation will start.

When the presentation is done, your computer display a message that asks whether you want to save your changes to it. Just click on the "x" in the top right corner, and the presentation will close.

After reviewing the material, students might collaborate in online "virtual rooms" or in conference calls. Class commentary can be separated into different topics when there are more lectures.

Technical Notes 

Although this presentation demonstrates how to develop lectures in PowerPoint for various types of classes, I am no longer teaching ninth-grade geometry, and therefore this presentation will not be maintained.

In addition, some material that was quoted in the slide deck was removed from the Internet.  In this instance, replacements were located, but eventually links in any Internet presentation might become obsolete.