Students will explore what they have learned about the fundamental counting principle, permutations, combinations, and factorials. You verify that you have acquired probability tools and knowledge with the following experiences. Then, you will rethink, revise, and reflect on progress before completing the final assessments for this objective.
The WhammiesThis manipulative allows you to explore different voting schemes by computing the winner of the fictional Whammy Awards. The instructions are under the question mark in the top right corner. While you are working with manipulative, I would like you to think about the following questions. The Whammies |
Hamlet HappensThis manipulative allows you to verify that rare events happen by drawing letters from a box. Once again, the instructions are under the question mark in the top right corner. While you are working with manipulative, I would like you to think about the following questions.
What is the probability of a two-letter word being drawn? Of a five-letter word being drawn? Are your numbers different? Why or why not? Is there a difference between probability and possibility? Hamlet Happens |
Stick or SwitchThis probability game is an electronic version of the old TV game show Let's Make a Deal, hosted by Monty Hall. Behind one of the doors is a grand prize, the other two doors lead to some real losers. To play the game, select a door by clicking on it. "Monty" then reveals what is behind one of the two doors that you didn't open. You are then given the option to stick with your original selection or switch to the other door.
The instructions are under the question mark in the top right corner. Stick or Switch |
CalculatorMost calculators have built-in functions. A course requirement is that the student have access to a TI-83 or newer calculator. More information on Texas Instruments calculators can be found here. |