This page is not a blog, which would require new content regularly. Instead, articles are written on request.

Note that, in the race to develop a world market in which your software product is the only leading edge, any article may contain the basics on which software relies, but which developers no longer need to address. Articles that are more than a year old are describing technologies that are somewhere between antiquated and obsolete, even if the artifacts under discussion still exist as a part of a robust business environment. For example, Visual Basic is not prehistoric if it is a component of the Powershell framework, and Ansible and Chef are still widely used in cloud technologies.

Free Software

Every software developer is bombarded with the concept of free software. Is it free of cost, is it the demo version of a product you might purchase, or is it something far more lofty?

Which JavaScript is It?

Tooltips and reference manuals tend to blur the distinction between flavors of JavaScript.  Your computer's  Integrated Development Environment (IDE) increases this effect by enabling rapid prototyping and development. In some instances, you can put a design pattern into the IDE, and it will generate the initial code for you. This makes it difficult to recite how to develop in your audience's environment.
This article is a quick comparison of JavaScript, Node.js, Angular.js, and React.js, including a keyword comparison.

The Internet of Things

This basic introduction to the Internet of Things includes a quick look into the selection process that should accompany - and precede - the acquisition of  sensors, monitors, and goodness-knows-what that wants to communicate with other devices in your space.  If this "plan to plan" guideline seems ambiguous, it is because the Things that you want in your Internet depend on who you are and where your Internet is. 

Developing your own IoT app is outside of the scope of this discussion.

The Internet of Things
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Computer Language Keywords

So many computer languages resemble each other that it is sometimes easier to rely on the compiler, and the object browser, than to remember which is which. Without looking at any namespaces, this document demonstrates the correlation between the 32 original C keywords and some of the language's primary competitors.

Computer Language Keyword Comparison
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The Difference Between SOAP and REST

This entry was a quick answer to a simple question. Now, with new tools and code generators, frameworks and improved protocols, SOAP and REST are not as obvious as they used to be.

The Difference Between SOAP and REST
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Some presentations include images that were included with purchased software.