Work that is performed for a business cannot be linked to this web page, as it is usually proprietary and confidential to the business. The exceptions are the Creative Commons and other business support for free software, which are teams on which I have not been employed. However, some educational and/or non-proprietary Web sites that I developed are described here.


I received several requests for this lecture. The original presentation was about 65 minutes long, and was recorded using Cisco Webex . The first audience was high school students enrolled in DigiPen WaNIC Academy courses through the New Market Skills Center. These advanced-level Career and Technical Education programs are offered by DigiPen in partnership with Washington Network of Innovative Careers (WaNIC). High school students who are interested in videogame employment after high school, or who are preparing to enter college, can jump-start their careers with these classes.

Rather than posting the WebEx recording, I converted the lecture into an HTML5/CSS3 Web site, and posted it at the Ormer Technologies Web site at http://www.ormer.net/our3Tour. Currently, the Web site contains the lecture transcription, and I will upload the images that are being discussed as time perrmits. 


The Gardener's Planting System is a fully responsive Web site that was developed in phases.  The first phase used a file system for plant information; the second phase uses a relational database. It is located on the Ormer Technologies Web site at http://www.ormer.net/gps. Code and data for both sites has been added to GitHub. The flat file site is https://github.com/Yvonne-Richardson/gps-1, and the edition that uses  a MySQL database is located at https://github.com/Yvonne-Richardson/gps-2.

The purpose of the website was to have everything the average gardener needs to know about plants that they are likely to encounter. It assists in purchasing and landscaping decisions, and might reduce the number of Internet searches needed to find information. The user can pick a type of plant on the main page, and then display different types of information about that plant on any of several pages. 

This page began as  a school project that was a part of the Web and Mobile Design certification. Although the web site is complete, the database format allows itself to be updated with new information about plants at any time, without changes to the application that it serves.