M2.2. Core Content: Quadratic functions, equations, and relationships
M2.2.A Represent a quadratic function with a symbolic expression, as a graph, in a table, and with a description, and make connections among the representations.
M2.2.B Sketch the graph of a quadratic function, describe the effects that changes in the parameters have on the graph, and interpret the x-intercepts as solutions to a quadratic equation.
M2.2.C Translate between the standard form of a quadratic function, the vertex form, and the factored form; graph and interpret the meaning of each form.
M2.2.D Solve quadratic equations that can be factored as (ax + b)(cx + d) where a, b, c, and d are integers.
M2.2.E Determine the number and nature of the roots of a quadratic function.
M2.2.F Solve quadratic equations that have real roots by completing the square and by using the quadratic formula.
M2.2.G Solve quadratic equations and inequalities, including equations with complex roots.
M2.2.H Determine if a bivariate data set can be better modeled with an exponential or a quadratic function and use the model to make predictions.
M2.3. Core Content: Conjectures and proofs, part II
M2.3.E Know, explain, and apply basic postulates and theorems about triangles and the special lines, line segments, and rays associated with a triangle.
M2.3.F Determine and prove triangle congruence and other properties of triangles.
M2.3.G Know, prove, and apply the Pythagorean Theorem and its converse.
M2.3.H Solve problems involving the basic trigonometric ratios of sine, cosine, and tangent.
M2.3.I Use the properties of special right triangles (30°–60°–90° and 45°–45°–90°) to solve problems.
M2.3.J Know, prove, and apply basic theorems about parallelograms.
M2.3.K Know, prove, and apply theorems about properties of quadrilaterals and other polygons.
M2.3.L Determine the coordinates of a point that is described geometrically.
M2.3.M Verify and apply properties of triangles and quadrilaterals in the coordinate plane.