Students formalize their study of probability, computing combinations and permutations to calculate the likelihood of an outcome in uncertain circumstances and applying the binomial theorem to solve problems. They apply their understanding of probability to a wide range of practical situations, including those involving permutations and combinations.
Understanding probability helps students become knowledgeable consumers who make sound decisions about high-risk games, financial issues, and other topics.
When the student completes all the learning objectives to an assessed degree of competency, then they have attained mastery for the core content area. Click on the link to the left to study the objective.
Students will learn to:
2.4.A Apply the fundamental counting principle and the ideas of order and replacement to calculate probabilities in situations arising from two-stage experiments (compound events).
2.4.B Given a finite sample space consisting of equally likely outcomes and containing events A and B, determine whether A and B are independent or dependent, and find the conditional probability of A given B.
2.4.C Compute permutations and combinations, and use the results to calculate probabilities.
2.4.D Apply the binomial theorem to solve problems involving probability.
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