This page demonstrates an architecture for the Mathematics 2 course that is based on Washington State K-12 education standards. It can be used as an electronic supplement to the in-person classroom experience, or it can be a standalone course when lectures are provided by the teacher through other electronic means.
Mathematics 2 extends the study of functions to include quadratic functions, which provides tools for modeling a greater variety of real-world situations. Students develop computational and algebraic skills that support analysis of functions and their multiple representations. Students extend their ability to reason mathematically. They distinguish between inductive and deductive thinking, make conjectures, and prove theorems. Students become skilled in writing more involved proofs through their study of triangles, lines, and quadrilaterals. Finally, the study of probability extends students’ understanding of proportional reasoning and relationships with the inclusion of counting methods, and lays the groundwork for the study of data and variability in the next course.
This course contains 6 core content areas and 42 objectives. If one assumes that 2 hours are required to explore the objectives, then a class based solely on the core content areas would consume approximately 84 hours in a 90-hour semester. If holidays, tests, and special occasions are considered separately, then the Washington State Essential Academic Learning Requirements contain enough material for half the school year.
Instruction is organized to maximize student participation in the learning experience. The course follows the organization suggested by the Washington State K-12 Mathematics Learning Standards. It should be noted that the course that results from this framework is appropriate for colleges, although they do not require EALR’s to ensure that students have attained competency in a subject.
The overall framework for each goal in the course is as follows:
The course goals, and the course chapters, are as follows. Click on the link to the left to study the competency area.
M2.1. Core Content: Modeling situations and solving problems
M2.2. Core Content: Quadratic functions, equations, and relationships
M2.3. Core Content: Conjectures and proofs
M2.4. Core Content: Probability
M2.5. Additional Key Content
M2.6. Core Processes: Reasoning, problem solving, and communication
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